Enrolment Forms
You can enrol for 2025 via our form below.
It is important that all questions on the form are answered, as I do need knowledge of any medical conditions and/or injuries that you child may have. I may also need to contact you in the case of an emergency, so please ensure that you update any change of contact details as necessary.
Enrolment conditions
It is a requirement of the studio for insurance and safety purposes that ALL parents/guardians of students enrolled sign an enrolment form. By signing this form you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of enrolment. Please ensure that you read these terms and conditions.
Fees are due on the first day (your child’s first class day) of each term in advance. An instalment plan can be arranged with PRIOR notice and attracts a 5% administration fee. Parents who take it upon themselves to pay by instalment without prior notice will have this fee added to their invoice. Should you become in advance with your fee payments the 5% administration fee will be waived in subsequent invoices. “An instalment” by definition is any payment made outside of the terms and conditions of enrolment. ie Fees are due on the first day of each term in advance.
All accounts are emailed prior to commencement of term.
Outstanding Fees
Any student who has fees outstanding into a new school term will not be offered tuition, and accounts will attract a 5% administration fee. If you are experiencing difficulty in meeting the school’s time frame for fees – please see Miss Caroline – do not just remove your child from the school.
Withdrawal of Students
If you withdraw your child from the school during a term, the full term fees are payable. 28 days written notice must be given of your intention to remove your child from the studio.
Registration Fee
A registration fee of $40 per family is payable upon enrolment.
Thinking of enrolling
Click here for more information and to download an enrolment pack.